A. G. M.
Nominations for the following officers of the committee are to be received in writing or email to the Secretary no later than 29th February 2024
There are 10 positions open for nominations for a one-year term, for the the General Committee. From these, the Management Committee shall appoint the following officers.
- League and associated competitions coordinator/organiser
- National Qualifier and other NSMBA run competition coordinator/organiser
- Membership Secretary
- County Team Manager
- Also, the Management Committee shall appoint or co-opt a team captain
- In addition, if a suitable experienced candidate allows, may appoint or co-opt a Publicity Officer
- Website Coordinator/Administrator if the role has not already been incorporated in any of the aforementioned roles
- The following positions of the Executive Committee remain filled for a further year provided the candidates wish to remain in their current roles
1 Chairperson
2 Secretary
3 Treasurer
- Nominations for the role of Vice Chairperson on the Executive Committee are invited for a two-year term
- Any proposals for the changes to the Constitution
Please address your correspondence to: Robin Patching NSMBA Secretary
79 Windmill Hill Drive, Bletchley, MK3 7RU – robinpatching@gmail.com