Charity Competitions 2023/2024
Charity Random Competition
An excellent turnout of 46 bowlers which saw us enjoying another of our popular Random Competitions. Thanks to all those who helped with organisation, equipment and the raffle. Teams were of fours and divided into two groups and the winners of each group was Bob Clarridge, Chris Ryan, Tim Gunter, Brenda Hart. and Paul D’Inverno, Liz Talbot, Lynne Whitlock, Dave Ekins. We were able to donate £210 to Alzheimers Society our the chosen charity
Charity Random Competition
42 Northamptonshire bowlers representing many clubs played an enjoyable day of bowls. Teams of three played 6 games divided into two groups. group A was won by: Dave Ekins, Robin Patching and Nancy Shrive. Group B was won by: John Fox, Keith Peterman and Mo Page. We raised £195 for our nominated charity Cynthia Spencer Hospice. Our next charity match is on August 18th, forms will be with your club
Charity Random Match August 14th
Sunday August 14th There were 40 players that played 5 rounds of triples with 2 woods. It was a great day although it was an extremely warm day. £230.00 was raised from the entrance fees and the raffle and £130 was donated to the Crohn’s & Colitis UK charity. Thank you to everybody who took […]