County Competition winners 2024/5
Singles: Winner: Andrew Smith
Runner Up: Christopher Weston
Pairs Winners: Dave Ekins / Christopher Weston
Runners Up: Mike Edwards/ Wendy Kean
Triples: Winners: Chris Hopkins/Edward Sawbridge/Steve McAllister
Runners Up: Dave Ekins/Mo Page/Christopher/Weston
Over 55’s (pairs) Winners: Christopher Weston/Dave Ekins
Runners Up: Mary Carter/Ed Carter
Ladies Singles Winner:
Runner Up:
Fours: Winners: Chris Hopkins/Aaron Clare/Edward
Sawbridge/Steve McAllister
Runners Up: Katie Mason/Lee Watts/Sarah Watts/Gordon Watts
Mixed Fours: Winners: Julie Tite/Maureen D’Inverno/Michael Tite
Paul D’Inverno
Runners Up: Val Jones/Wendy Kean/Brian Hartgrove/Mike Edwards
Congratulations to the winners who went on to the County Competitions. Well done to all those members who took part.